How To Get Your Workspace Organized in Less Than A Day, And Keep It That Way With A Simple 10 Minute Daily Routine
Dear Friend,

If you’d like to quickly and easily Get your Workspace Organized in Less Than a Day Without Feeling Overwhelmed or Unproductive With the Piles of Papers You Have in Your Workspace Right Now...

And if you’d like to know that you’ll never lose an important projects again due to lack of organization...

And especially if you don’t have a clue where to begin even if you’re a self-starter, control freak, have OCD or ADD, or have a hard time making decisions. Then this may be the most important book you ever read.

AND to put my best foot forward and make this happen for you, on this page only I’ll give you the digital download of this book for $1.
First, A Warning:
This book is not for everyone.

As a busy person, do you often feel at a loss as to how to get your workspace organized and need to become more productive quickly?

Especially if you constantly feel overwhelmed and can’t ever seem to get caught up with your overflowing calendar?

And have you heard how your neighbors, colleagues and competitors appear to be getting their business affairs in order. . . but perhaps you didn’t feel like you were able to create working systems, can’t figure out how or where to get started, or needed a shortcut to do it in as little time as possible?

Well, get excited because in this book, you will receive step-by-step instructions to help you organize every facet of your business and clear the stuff that is holding you back and keeping you from reaching your most fulfilled and thrilling life.

Whether you are a home-based entrepreneur, an employee working remotely or simply use your home office for personal bills and investments, you are going to discover how to get organized offering the fastest and easiest method for becoming more productive and reducing the stress of an office filled with clutter and chaos. . .

This comprehensive guidebook book is written for home-based entrepreneurs, virtual employees, and EVERY busy person who has a home office and too little time (that includes you).

This book is formatted so that you can easily start with the skills you need to learn most right now and go back to the other chapters as time permits.

The three questions at the beginning of each chapter will help you decide where you personally might want to start to create the fastest and most impactful change.
"The first step toward fabulousness is deciding what you want out of life. The second is clearing away the emotional baggage that's blocking your way to get there! And that baggage is usually disguised as clutter -- whether it's lurking in your email inbox, your kitchen drawers or in your walk-in closet. In Master Your Muck, Kathi Burns offers effective strategies for clearing away the slop so you can achieve your goals."

Clinton Kelly

author of Freakin' Fabulous & host of TLC's "What Not to Wear”
Exactly What You're Getting
  • Use the Pareto 80/20 principle of “De-clutterization” so that you can prioritize with confidence. Page 27
  • Overcome your procrastination and learn how and where to begin after you uncover your real challenge with clutter. Page 18
  • Understand and categorize the 5 types of documents so that you can achieve long-term and easy filing success. Page 25
  • Gain an understanding of the minimum furniture required for an efficient, organized, and functioning. Page 45
  • Organize the most challenging areas in your office like your desk and learn how to keep 60% of your desktop open for business at all times. Page 36.
  • Learn the 6 Steps required to organize anything and, most importantly, how to keep your supplies from overtaking your workspace. Page 41
  • Creating a mission statement for each goal will effectively accelerate your progress with less effort and time. Page 78
  • Avoid embarrassing moments when you forget an important appointment. Page 50
  • Determining what’s important and what’s not is the key to creating more success. Page 68
  • Learn why outwardly removing a few blocks will create a much deeper impact on all parts of your life. Page 15
  • Avoid the overwhelm of email overload. Learn how to take control, plan versus react and reclaim your sanity. Page 58
  • Create more confidence, time, and freedom to do what you want to do, not what you feel you have to do. Page 16
  • Get your schedule back on track instead of missing important meetings and keep potential business from falling off of your radar. Page 66
"Dare I say everyone should have a 'muck master' . . . and might I add 'Let it be Kathi Burns!' Kathi's book is the best place to begin that process."

Dorothy Breininger

Producer of Hoarders TV show
"Master Your Muck" is a compilation of the methods and systems that as a Board Certified Professional Organizer, I have developed and implemented successfully with my clients over the last 17 years.
Best of all, as you move through the organizing process, you’ll be able to use this book every time you are ready to tackle another area within your business and your office.

Every topic includes the exact sequence of steps you can take to accomplish the goals of each topic. Action steps are listed at the end of each chapter.

I’m personally very excited to share this content with you – it’s going to help you solve the “where do I begin” and the challenge “of not having enough time to accomplish your goals” forever!
My Big, Bold, Guarantee
I absolutely guarantee you’ll love this step-by-step get organized and create a more productive home office that is loaded with useable content, tips, strategies and time saving tips for every area of your business and also your mindset!

Yes, I want to get started feeling organized and energized in my work space and more successful in my business!
Your Organizing Energizer,

P.S. You can start turning your home office into a space of heightened productivity immediately once you know how. So get my How to Master Your Muck ~ Get Organized, Add Space To Your Life and Live Your Purpose Book now.

Again, this step-by-step get your home office and business organized book should retail for at least $19.95 but I’m giving you a digital copy for a $1 limited time, so order yours right here now.

There will be an option to receive your personally autographed copy!
"Your book is very useful for me... and for our house. One pile less, and my wife had a moment of happiness!"

Stanislav D.