Dear Friend,
Would you like Simple Solutions to Eliminate The Chaos and Turn Your Home Into a Tranquil Place of Relaxation and Peace?
Have you ever looked at your home and said, Wow! What a beautifully organized home! I can't wait for friends to come over!
If that has NOT been your experience, I invite you to stay here with me . . . I have something for you. In today's day and age, busy men and women just like you are trying to balance their work and life, and oftentimes work wins and takes over everything!
It leaves you feeling completely burnt out, and then when you get home, you drop your keys, your shoes and undress as fast as you can while kids, spouses, pets, laundry and dinner are all calling for your attention!
How do you do it all?
Does it often feel like a miracle and at the end of the day, you're ready for a glass of wine and just want to get yourself in bed? The laundry is still not done, kitchen dishes are piled up, your desk is a mess...but it's just how it is because there is NOT enough hours in a day!
I've got a secret for you...It doesn't have to always be this way... In fact, your story is the story of the thousands of busy men and women I've helped get organized (and stay organized for life!) over the last 20 years through my company addSpace to Your Life.
Real Simple, The O Magazine, Better Homes and Gardens, Martha Stewart, Boston Globe and more have featured my strategies because they know that these strategies work.
I will be sharing with you through my new audio book the exact strategies that will get you organized for good, in a way that won't leave you feeling overwhelmed.
You're going to feel amazing coming to a home that evokes peace and brings more clarity to your life!
You'll actually start to do more of what you enjoy with the people you love. But...
There is one thing that many of my new clients face when they are starting the path to a more organized home.
They have the idea of STARTING to organize, but very few actually FINISH...
If you've ever been in that boat of having the "good intention" of completing an organization project around the house, but other things get in the way, then let me let you in on a little secret.
Starting and finishing an organizing project is HARD!
Whew, I actually said it! It's not always an easy thing to get the motivation to start, and then keep staying organized in your home forever.
And I should know.
I've worked with thousands of clients helping them get and STAY organized over the last 17 years and we've organized everything from closets to garages that were cram full of years of stuff!
When I tell you it's hard work to stay organized in your home, I've had the experience of creating space for myself in my own home and in the homes of my clients as well and we can easily get in our own way to sabotage our organizational successes!
Have you been able to create and sustain the “organization habit”?