Simple Solutions to Eliminate The Chaos and Turn Your Home Into a Tranquil Place of Relaxation, Rest and Peace.
Dear Friend,

Would you like Simple Solutions to Eliminate The Chaos and Turn Your Home Into a Tranquil Place of Relaxation and Peace?
Have you ever looked at your home and said, Wow! What a beautifully organized home! I can't wait for friends to come over!
If that has NOT been your experience, I invite you to stay here with me . . . I have something for you.
In today's day and age, busy men and women just like you are trying to balance their work and life, and oftentimes work wins and takes over everything!
It leaves you feeling completely burnt out, and then when you get home, you drop your keys, your shoes and undress as fast as you can while kids, spouses, pets, laundry and dinner are all calling for your attention!
How do you do it all?
Does it often feel like a miracle and at the end of the day, you're ready for a glass of wine and just want to get yourself in bed? The laundry is still not done, kitchen dishes are piled up, your desk is a mess...but it's just how it is because there is NOT enough hours in a day!
I've got a secret for you...It doesn't have to always be this way...
In fact, your story is the story of the thousands of busy men and women I've helped get organized (and stay organized for life!) over the last 20 years through my company addSpace to Your Life.
Real Simple, The O Magazine, Better Homes and Gardens, Martha Stewart, Boston Globe and more have featured my strategies because they know that these strategies work.
I will be sharing with you through my new audio book the exact strategies that will get you organized for good, in a way that won't leave you feeling overwhelmed.
You're going to feel amazing coming to a home that evokes peace and brings more clarity to your life!

You'll actually start to do more of what you enjoy with the people you love.

There is one thing that many of my new clients face when they are starting the path to a more organized home.
They have the idea of STARTING to organize, but very few actually FINISH...
If you've ever been in that boat of having the "good intention" of completing an organization project around the house, but other things get in the way, then let me let you in on a little secret.
Starting and finishing an organizing project is HARD!
Whew, I actually said it! It's not always an easy thing to get the motivation to start, and then keep staying organized in your home forever.
And I should know.
I've worked with thousands of clients helping them get and STAY organized over the last 17 years and we've organized everything from closets to garages that were cram full of years of stuff!
When I tell you it's hard work to stay organized in your home, I've had the experience of creating space for myself in my own home and in the homes of my clients as well and we can easily get in our own way to sabotage our organizational successes!
Have you been able to create and sustain the “organization habit”?
"Dare I say everyone should have a 'muck master' . . . and might I add 'Let it be Kathi Burns!' Kathi's book is the best place to begin that process."

Dorothy Breininger

Producer of Hoarders TV show
First, A Warning:
This eBook is not for everyone.

Research shows that if you add a dramatically new strategy into your life and try to take out bad habits "cold turkey" style, you're more apt to going back to that bad habit with even more vengeance!

Once you get your home organized, I am sure that you want your home and space to stay organized, not to get messy and mucky again!

I'm here to help you stay on course with your new organizational habits.

It's because I know what it's like to start and stay organized, I've decided to publish my new audiobook  (and accompanying eBook) to help you get organized in your home.
Here’s a snippet of what you’ll learn in Home Organization, The Smart Guide ~ Make Room For Yourself in Your Home
  • ​How to clear the clutter that is holding you back
  • ​Spend less time searching for missing objects
  • ​Create more free time for fun!
  • ​Enjoy more quality time for your friends and family.
  • ​Know exactly where to find what you are looking for quickly
  • ​S​​leep better each night with less worry and anxiety
  • ​and more...
You will experience all of this because your home is organized!

This audiobook and it’s accompanying eBook  will teach you how to:
  • ​​​Implement The 7 Uncluttering Rules to Live By
  • ​Use the Five principles of “De-clutterization”
  • ​Eliminate the learning curve during your decluttering progress
  • ​Completely organize the most challenging areas within your home.
You might be thinking - well, how is this possible?

For the last 17 years working as a Board Certified Professional Organizer I have been helping my clients do exactly this!
This book is a compilation of the methods and systems that I have developed and implemented successfully with my clients.
Every chapter in this book includes the exact sequence of steps you can take to accomplish the goals for each room within your home, even the seemingly insurmountable task of organizing your garage!
Best of all, as you move through the organizing process, you’ll be able to listen to and refer back to the pages in your book every time you are ready to tackle another area within your home.
This book is designed to be short and sweet, which helps you to actually get things done!
You're busy, and one of the reasons so many fail at getting (and staying!) organized is that projects take a ton of time.
Each chapter will help you take action now. I've taken out the fluff to get you exactly what you're wanting to help you stay organized.
You will be able to succeed long term: You will find a good balance between getting organized and "regular life"!
When you're  trying to organize and that's all you're focusing on, I don't know about you, but it seems like all the other parts of life feel off or in chaos!
By breaking up the book into one room per chapter, you'll have the peace of mind that you can organize, and then enjoy life even more.
Here is the breakdown of the chapters that will rock your world!
  • ​​​Chapter One - How Did You Get Here?
You’ll gain a specific understanding of how you’ve come to have so much stuff, not to mention possessions that possess you: robbing you of your precious time and draining your energy.

I’ll also help you transform your habits into ones successful people use to embrace and even create positive change instead of avoiding it.
  • ​​​Chapter Two - The Necessities
These organization principles will motivate and encourage change within you. This is what gets left out of other books and it makes all of the difference.
  • ​​​Chapter Three - Your Gorgeous Kitchen
Your kitchen can look like it belongs on the cover of Home & Garden magazine, while also serving as a gathering area for your family.

We’ll tackle each area of your kitchen to create a beautiful and functional whole. From under the sink, to the pantry, and to the extra storage space you don’t even know you have…

What’s more, we’ll not only make your kitchen gorgeous, but incredibly efficient. Slash prep and cooking time and maximize fun bonding time.
  • ​​​Chapter Four - Tackling the Living Room Clutter
You’ll discover the perfect living room layout for your taste and space – even if you have no idea how to decorate. We’ll also make “clutter catching” storage that keeps itself tidy! You have to see this trick to believe it.
  • ​​​Chapter Five - Your Beautiful Bedroom
Your bedroom should be a peaceful oasis that you helps you feel calm and at ease. If it’s anything less, then you deserve (and can easily have) better.

You’ll know exactly how to create more space in you and yes- your kid’s bedrooms. The 10 minute bin trick will change your life as you know it. catching” storage that keeps itself tidy! You have to see this trick to believe it.
  • ​​​Chapter Six - Master Your Closet
If you have too much stuff in your closet, then I’ve got you covered. You won’t have to get rid of your stuff or invest a ton of money to get a gorgeous Hollywood type closet with these easy tricks.
  • ​​​Chapter Seven - Better Bathrooms
You'll discover your medicine cabinets and under the sink spaces again.
You’ll also uncover the power of “vertical space” and how it can revolutionize your bathroom.
  • ​​​Chapter Eight - Home Office That Forces Efficiency
Do you actually get productive work done, or does your office store papers and boxes?

If your office doesn’t help you streamline work, then it’s simply helping you waste time. And time is too precious to waste. You’ll finally get an office that helps you get important work done – even if you’ve avoided this room in the past.
  • ​​​Chapter Nine - Closets and Other Dark Spaces
Hall closets… Under the stairs storage…

These places should not be filled with messy random collections of ‘who knows what’, but should be used efficiently. I’ll reveal exactly how to get the maximum out of these spaces, giving you more room to breathe.
  • ​​​Chapter Ten - Attics, Basements and The Garage
These sneaky catchalls will be tackled and put into order once and for all. So if you are one of the many who have no idea where to begin, stick with me. Yours will be neat, organized and efficient before you know it.
I’m personally very excited to share this content with you – it’s going to help you solve the “where do I begin” and the challenge of “not having enough time” to get your home and your life organized forever!
You can see the order button below. I invite you to click on it and get started getting organized today!
I absolutely guarantee you’ll love this step-by-step get organized audio and ebook that is loaded with easy to implement strategies and time saving tips for every area of your home!
"Your book is very useful for me . . . and for our house. One pile less, and my wife had a moment of happiness!"

Stanislav D.

"I don't usually read or enjoy "organizing" books. But, this book is different. It's about organizing, yes, but also about life. So, the techniques make sense as ways of creating a more integrated and focused life. Burns show the "how to" but also explains the "why bother". There's subtle depth here along with clear ideas on how to structure home and work so that your everyday patterns of behavior support your  deepest intentions. The book is also beautifully written and designed. So, the message of organizing your life comes through in both the lucid ideas and the physical qualities of the book itself."

Eric Klein

Exactly What You're Getting
  • The joy, gratification, and peace you’ll feel each day in your newly organized home…
  • Each precious hour of time that your newfound efficiency will save you…
  • ​​The comfort you’ll feel with your family, enjoying what feels like a brand new home.
  • ​​Actionable, manageable chapters that are guaranteed to get you not only organized, but also feeling fulfilled in your own home.
My Big, Bold, Guarantee
I absolutely guarantee you’ll love this step-by-step get organized audio and ebook that is loaded with easy to implement strategies and time saving tips for every area of your home!

If you feel that this book does not help you, simply let me know and I will refund your investment, no questions asked.

So, what is there to lose? Absolutely nothing.
AND to put my best foot forward and make this happen for you, on this page only I’ll give you a chance to grab the new audiobook + the eBook with a special savings.
Click here to get my roll-out special pricing and say Yes, I want to get started feeling organized and peaceful in my home and create more free time in my life!
This is the best way I can ensure that anyone, regardless of their budget, has the best chance at living a happier life in a home they love.

Don’t risk letting your house degrade into a bigger mess. It could cost you your relationships and your peace of mind.
To your gorgeous home,
“This (organizing) is huge. It is not just about organizing our house it is about putting our family life back on track and how we use our space. Being organized takes the stress away so I can enjoy the time I spend with my family. The worry and burden is no longer there. I can actually spend quality time with my kids instead of searching and worrying about things like lost batteries for the camcorder.” ~Valerie Saunders
"Kathi Burns' writing style serves her purpose well--she very deftly informs, instructs, and inspires her readers with an easy, conversational tone
that makes this book a smooth read. She covers lots of ground and offers practical, timely advice  In all, readers are going to enjoy this book and be able to apply its tenets with ease.
" ~ Kerry Mabee
"A business associate told me, “Oh, you’ve got to read this book by a personal organizer.” “Personal organizer, yeah, right,” I thought. What could she teach me, after all I’m a Container Store junkie (I mean, I have containers for my containers) and I’ve read practically every book on the subject. Surprise,surprise, Kathi’s book is wonderful. It’s much more than how to organize your closet better. She gives you actionable tips on how to achieve your personal best." ~ Anne M. McColl